Monday, April 16, 2007

Love is ...


The beginning of love come from a pure and clear heart. But love can be contained by desire. Love make the soul leaning to choose something. Love can also make someone to do some fool and childish action even in half crazy action.

Love often appearing yearning fell that we can not bear in mind, a soft yearning fell, needing someone. Love can also break a hard heart.

Love is something that hard to understand how deep it is. Love can make someone to be a servant to another one. Love can make someone live have a fully enthusiasm, but it's can also make someone feel sick, nervous, and sad.

Yerning is formed by love, that make someone need another. But love can also spit out. Love can also make someone afraid to loose some one that he or she love. Love can make someone suffering that make he or she could not sleep then destroyed himself/herself. Love that over flare up can be bad.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Thank You

My tea's gone cold, I'm wonderin why i
got out of bed at all.
the morning rain drops on my window
and i can't see at all. And
even if i could it'd all be grey.
but your picture on my wall.
It reminds me that it's not so bad,
it's not so bad...

Can not Edit Comment


U know, there is one of the blogspot weak point. I can not edit any comment so I can censor it. :D Sometimes, i don't like to mention a name on my blog, but my reader know who I talk about and the comment is not some comment that I have to delete it.

So, on blogspot, when I want to edit the comment that I think it's need to be edit, I must copy it on my text editor, then I reposting it in the name of the sender. And do not forget to delete the old comment. Fiuh, It's a long step. Hopely, blogspot add that comment edit ability in the future.